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Achillea Coronation Gold

Achillea Coronation Gold

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Excellent silvery gray-green fern-like foliage on plants that thrive in a hot, dry, sunny spot. Golden yellow flowers bloom in summer on flat, upward facing plates. Flowers hold their color when dried. 'Coronation Gold' is said to be one of the very best. Road salt tolerant.

Sun Exposure

   I need at least 4 hours of afternoon sun but can go all day

Growing Season



   Height: 24-36”    
   Width: 24-30”    
   Spacing: 20”


  • Zone 3-9

Maintenance Notes

Yarrows are low maintenance and best in full sun with well-drained soil. Remove spent blossoms to promote continuous flowering. Plants can be cleaned up in spring or fall. Leave any fresh fall foliage to overwinter. Divide in spring or fall every 4-5 years.

